Saturday 21 January 2012

Perendale and Cheviot ram sale and Perendale field day


Experiencing a ram sale in NZ is a little different to one in Wales. Most rams are sold on farm and only the top performing rams go to this sale. They have to be in the top 20% and have a minimum fertility potential of 160%. All rams are individually penned at saleyard. Individual details were stapled on each pen, which included sire, dam and sire and dams, sire and dam, date of birth, 100 day weight, 200 day weight, fleece weight, single or twin (birth & rear rank), carcass measurements and any further comments such as CT scanned and FEC. The veterinary certificate is also shown on all pens. A vet has to check for testicular anomalies, under sized testicles, sheath abnormalities, mange, scrotal abscesses, lameness etc. There is also a panel from the society that goes round and checks them all the day before that they are true to type, sound on their feet etc. Each stud has one vote for the best ram in the Perendales. The perendale is a cross 
between a cheviot and romney and is now recognised as an official breed for over 50 years.Both the cheviots and the perendales had good sales mainly due to the fact that there were some Australians over purchasing quite a few.
After the sale I went to the perendale progeny test field day where they had lambs to view from each of the 9 sires used. The North island also carries out progeny testing and they use a link ram between the two groups. All lambs will be killed on the same day towards the end of February. As all lambs go the same day to get progeny information the abattoir agree not to penalise for over weight or over fat lambs as they realise the importance of the trial. Ultrasound scanning, CT scanning, viascan, pH fat colour all have a huge variation from top to bottom sire. They are also tested for taste and tenderness. Lambs from high performing ewes are 25 days quicker finishing. They aim to get the information to breeders before mating.  They have a selection committee of 5 people (1 independent and the rest perendale society members) to select the 9 best performing sires to test in the trial.

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